Parents are increasing becoming wary of western medical treatments for childhood illness and disease. It seems every time the turn around a medication or invasive procedure is the only option for caring for their child's symptoms. However, with a little research, parents are finding that there are alternatives to this model and an alternate view of health and wellness. Many parents are choosing chiropractic, massage, homeopathy and acupuncture. And, they are getting amazing results!
Children, especially, have an amazing ability to regenerate, heal and flourish if given the right nutrition, supportive environment and a properly functioning master control system. This does not mean that a child will NEVER have a symptom but when they do, they are able to process this symptom in a safe and optimum manner and have a better functioning body on the other side of the symptomatic expression. For example, when a young child is faced with a new bacteria or virus he hasn't encountered before, the healthy child's immune system, when not interrupted or interfere with, will produce the proper immune response and create life-long immunity to that invader if he encounters it again. This means the child WILL most likely have a symptom. He may experience a fever, cough, runny nose, rash, diarrhea, etc. These are not bad things. This is the bodies inborn protective system at work.
So how does chiropractic, naturopathy, acupuncture and other "natural" healing modalities differ? In short, they support the natural workings of the bodies innate healing ability and do not try to alter it or suppress it. And 99.9% of the time the child does an amazing job of healing without any complications! Amazing? YES!
Chiropractic Research
which show the efficacy of chiropractic care for children and pregnant women.
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